Re: Restructuring of the ALReq document


No objections to the separate sections for authors and editors. One thing
that I seem to have missed the rationale for, is the changing of the title
from "Layout Requirement for the Arabic Script" to "Arabic & Persian Layout
Requirements". Is there a link to the context of that decision anywhere I
can read about?


Best regards,

On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 9:21 AM r12a <> wrote:

> folks,
> We are rolling out a new, standard format for layout requirements
> documents across the various language enablement initiatives.  The new
> format contains links at the start of a major section that point to
> relevant information, such as other requirements, tests, discussions, etc,
> relevant to Arabic/Persian language text.  In addition, the structure and
> the main headings have been standardised, though the alreq doc was pretty
> close to that structure already.
> You'll also notice that the list of editors has changed.  This is because
> of changes to the W3C publication process, which require all editors to be
> actively maintaining the document and participating in the group at the
> time of publication. Editors are now expected to be one or 2 people who
> facilitate the publication process, rather than a list of content authors..
> However, we very much want  to ensure that the contributions of previous
> authors are recognised, so we added a Contributors section and moved it to
> the very top of the introduction.  All the original authors are listed
> there.  This will also be useful, because it gives us the ability to
> indicate who contributed what.
> Please take a look at the document in this temporary location, and let me
> know if you have any questions or comments.  Unless i hear a showstopper, i
> hope to publish this in about a week to 10 days.
> thanks,
> ri

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 17:47:10 UTC