Publication request: Khmer Layout Requirements

dear webreq,

Please publish the following document on 11 April.

 1. Information:
      * Document Title:

          Khmer Layout Requirements

      * Document URL:
      * *Description: see the 'Abstract'
      * Document tags: i18n
 2. Approvals:
      * Record of approval of the transition request
      * Team's approval state: (approved)
      * Record of approval of the Group.
 3. Checks:
      * Pass Pubrules' check: (yes)
        Pass Link Checker's check: (yes)
        ⟶ Check the document using W3C Link Checker
          o There are a number of links that don't link to a frag id in
            the target document.  This is intentional.  As new tests or
            other resources are added to the relevant page, they will
            become available by following the link.  It is too much
            overhead to only add those links when a new test or other
            resource is created.


Received on Thursday, 4 April 2024 13:59:57 UTC