agenda+ Needs Attention issues for WG review



The following issues are marked as "needs-attention" ("NA"), mainly by me
while reviewing "close?" items. We should discuss these as time permits in
teleconference until they are all gone. 


Make computation of directionality account for Shadow DOM.
<>  alreq
alreq> close?
close%3F> hlreq
hlreq> i:bidi-text
i%3Abidi-text> needs-attention
needs-attention> s:html
s%3Ahtml> t:bidi_markup
t%3Abidi_markup> tracker

#1763 opened Sep 27, 2023 


Why NA? We should assign someone to review this to ensure it is correct.


input-purpose  <> language
should reference BCP47 close?
close%3F> needs-attention
needs-attention> needs-resolution
needs-resolution> s:adapt
s%3Aadapt> t:lang_values

#1361 opened Mar 15, 2021 


Why NA? I don't believe we would be satisfied by the outcome of the above,
but I didn't see the requests for feedback until just now. Tagging for
further review, although this may now be stale.


Informal spellings in specifications
<>  close?
close%3F> needs-attention
needs-attention> tracker

#1006 opened Jan 11, 2021 


Why NA? This is about English usages in specifications, which affects
translators among others. Perhaps @xfq should review to ensure the right
outcome has been reached.


Should generalYear (etc.) be gregorianYear (etc.)?
<>  close?
close%3F> needs-attention
needs-attention> needs-resolution
needs-resolution> s:owl-time
s%3Aowl-time> t:loc_time

#404 opened May 2, 2017 by aphillips


Why NA? I am not yet satisfied (I added a detailed comment to their issue
and asked for re-open consideration). My comment has not yet been considered
by the I18N WG as a whole.


Standardized way to add indications of text direction
<>  close?
close%3F> needs-attention
needs-attention> needs-resolution
needs-resolution> s:shacl
s%3Ashacl> t:lang_declaration

#370 opened Mar 16, 2017 by r12a


Why NA? Unclear if this was reviewed. Probably too stale to take meaningful


Default ruby centring for more than just zh
<> close?
close%3F> clreq
clreq> i:inline-notes
i%3Ainline-notes> needs-attention
needs-attention> needs-resolution
needs-resolution> s:css-ruby
s%3Acss-ruby> spec-type-issue
spec-type-issue> t:typ_ruby

#259 opened Dec 1, 2016 by r12a


Why NA? @r12a mentioned that: "Rule for centring chinese by default was
removed and CSS closed the issue. Are we happy to also close?"


Default styling for chinese annotations
<>  close?
close%3F> clreq
clreq> i:inline-notes
i%3Ainline-notes> needs-attention
needs-attention> needs-resolution
needs-resolution> s:css-ruby
s%3Acss-ruby> spec-type-issue
spec-type-issue> t:typ_ruby

#258 opened Dec 1, 2016 by r12a


Why NA? I asked: "@r12a <>  Can you check this issue
(and it's friend w3c/csswg-drafts#779
<> ) for satisfaction?" Should
we action on this or close it?


definition of character <>
close%3F> needs-attention
needs-attention> needs-resolution
needs-resolution> s:svg
s%3Asvg> t:char_def

#219 opened Sep 9, 2016 by r12a


Why NA? Not clear. I think this was moved to


i18n-ISSUE-464: 'label' needs direction and language metadata
<>  close?
close%3F> needs-attention
needs-attention> needs-resolution
needs-resolution> s:mediacapture-streams
s%3Amediacapture-streams> t:bidi_strings
t%3Abidi_strings> t:lang_strings

#78 opened Mar 16, 2016 by r12a


Why NA? We did a lot of work on setting requirements in specdev and so
forth. The issue is still open. We probably should review the state.


i18n-ISSUE-429:  <> "valid"
language tag close?
close%3F> needs-attention
needs-attention> s:webvtt
s%3Awebvtt> tracker

#8 opened Mar 16, 2016 by r12a


Why NA? I drew an action in 2020 to ping webvtt about this. Their issue is
closed and I asked if we should raise visibility. Let's discuss.


Addison Phillips

Chair (W3C Internationalization WG)


Internationalization is not a feature.

It is an architecture.


Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 21:03:05 UTC