Re: Change of name for Authoring techniques

We also thought it would be a good idea to absorb into Authoring Web 
Pages the discreet information found in

Authoring SVG


Developing Schemas

Most of the information in those documents is the same as the current 
HTML&CSS techniques doc, so we'd just merge the stuff that's different 
and then deprecate those two documents.


r12a wrote on 15/07/2022 11:06:
> On Wednesday, Fuqiao and i were discussing 
> and we 
> thought that it would be good to change the title from
>   Authoring HTML & CSS
> to
>   Authoring Web Pages
> This would allow us to include a few notes on JavaScript best 
> practices, but would probably have a more instant appeal to content 
> authors..
> Any objections?
> ri

Received on Friday, 15 July 2022 13:13:14 UTC