Restyle for techniques page

I went through the html authoring techniques page and:

1. used declarative markup (details tags) instead of js to do 
expand/collapse behaviour

2. simplified the layout significantly.

I think both of these things make the source code much simpler and 
easier to maintain.  And i think the more linear, and less in-your-face 
styling makes the page easier to read.

Note that the details tag is still not supported in Edge (sigh), but 
that's not the end of the world.

You can see the old version of the page at

and the new version at

I also began updating the sadly out of date section about mixing bidi 
text inline. (Text decoration > Mixing text direction inline). These 
updates overleap other more recent improvements in the main article 
dealing with this topic, and i think the new set of do's and don'ts 
should be used as a basis for reworking that article in order to 
simplify it (at the same time as adding browser support information, 
like for the vertical text and ruby articles).

Please let me know if you have any problems with these proposed changes. 
If i hear nothing i will continue and expect to publish when ready.

I also plan to make these changes to the script that creates the 
checklist for the specdev document.


Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2017 12:38:55 UTC