Comment(s) on "Data on the Web Best Practices" draft

This is an old action item
to look at <>

Here is basically one comment. <>
"Metadata must be provided for both human users and computer applications“
This BP does not talk about metadata in multiple languages. Metadata should be provided in the language of the user at least.
The same comment holds for
"Best Practice 2: Provide descriptive metadata“. 

There is a best practice
„Best Practice 3: Provide locale parameters metadata … Information about locale parameters (date, time, and number formats, language) should be described by metadata.“
but this does not talk about metadata in multiple languages.

Data enrichment <>
could be a  way to generate multilingual metadata, that is: not replacing existing metadata but enhancing it with translations.

The comment is very general, but so is the scope of the document.



Received on Wednesday, 21 October 2015 22:41:13 UTC