Re: CSS3 Image Mirroring [I18N-ACTION-64]

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 9:07 PM, Phillips, Addison <> wrote:
> Dear CSS-WG,
> I have been tasked [1] by the I18N WG with writing to express support for continued work on CSS Images. In particular, we are concerned that one "chink" in HTML5's bidi armor is lack of support for image mirroring to match document direction. We understand that one feature of interest to us was recently removed from CSS Images Level 3.
> CSS Images Level 3 had a feature "image()", whose primary purpose was image fallback. In April 2011, you added a feature members of our WG requested for supporting bidi: the capability to flip images depending on the element's direction. This was done by adding the ltr and rtl keywords to the image() notation; see
> Our understanding is that the entire image() feature was dropped due to lack of implementation, although we note that there hasn't been that much time for stable implementations to emerge. The WG has asked me to ask you to reconsider removing this feature or at least to provide guidance on when such a feature could be provided in a stable spec in the future.
> Thanks (for I18N),
> Addison
> [1]

Apologies for the late response.

The CSSWG resolved to pull image()'s directional keywords back into
Image Values level 3, as requested.  The image() function as a whole
is still marked as "at-risk".


Received on Friday, 16 September 2011 23:59:57 UTC