Re: I18N-ISSUE-13 (css-writing-modes): Incorrect U+XXX notation [CSS3-writing-modes]

On 03/10/2011 09:47 AM, Internationalization Core Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> I18N-ISSUE-13 (css-writing-modes): Incorrect U+XXX notation [CSS3-writing-modes]
> Raised by: Matitiahu Allouche
> On product: CSS3-writing-modes
> 2.2. Embeddings and Overrides: the ‘unicode-bidi’ property
> WG Approved: YES
> In the paragraph explaining "embed": there is no need for
> a semicolon after Unicode values U+202A and U+202B.
> Rationale: they are not entities.

The semicolons were there as punctuation within the sentence, not to terminate
the entities. Since you find this confusing, I have replaced them with commas.


Received on Friday, 25 March 2011 22:47:19 UTC