Re: HTML5 bugs to be raised

On 09/24/2010 12:46 PM, Richard Ishida wrote:
> Folks,
> I plan to raise comments 6,7, and 8 at
> as HTML5 bugs.
> Any comments?

Issue #1:
   Completely agreed. This is very important.
Issue #2:
Issue #3:
   I propose making this a RFC2119 RECOMMENDation, rather than a non-normative note.
Issue #4:
   If you want rlo on block elements to work, you must also raise
   an issue against CSS2.1. Currently bidi-override does not
   affect the contents of child blocks, only child inlines.
Issue #5:
   I recommend the term "document-wide audience language" or, to
   use an older proposal, "pragma-set audience language" in place
   of "document-wide default language". This also makes it clear
   what the purpose of such headers are: they declare the intended
   audience language, not the content language.

Everything else looks fine.


Received on Saturday, 25 September 2010 01:47:41 UTC