Re: HTML5 Issue 11 (encoding detection): I18N WG response...

On Mon, October 12, 2009 22:00, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

> Mozilla's choices for these are publicly available. Safari (and I
> think other WebKit-based browsers, though I'm not positive) uses
> Windows-1252 as the default for everything. We believe this is a bad
> choice, however, for users in some locales (for example, Russian,
> Chinese and Japanese locales). Users in those locales often find they
> need to change the default.

I'd be curious to know what happens with south asian locales, esp since
most if not all legacy encodings aren't supported by web browsers.

and vietnamese is a difficult langauge, since there isn't any one dominant
legacy enncoding, would need soem sort of suto detect mechanism, assuming
web browsers actually supported all the key legacy encodings, which form
memory they don't.

> We're willing to converge on a specified behavior for this.
> Regards,
> Maciej

Andrew Cunningham
Research and Development Coordinator
State Library of Victoria

Received on Monday, 12 October 2009 13:03:12 UTC