[widgets] [i18n+P&C] IRI/URI normalization

Below is an email from Addison (forwarded with his permission) re the  
IRI/URI normalization thread.

-Regards, Art Barstow

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "ext Phillips, Addison" <addison@amazon.com>
> Date: September 16, 2009 1:13:58 PM EDT
> To: "Barstow Art (Nokia-CIC/Boston)" <Art.Barstow@nokia.com>,  
> Richard Ishida <ishida@w3.org>
> Cc: w3c-archive <w3c-archive@w3.org>, "member-i18n-core@w3.org"  
> <member-i18n-core@w3.org>
> Subject: RE: [i18n+P&C] IRI/URI normalization
> Hello Art,
> Apologies for the delay in responding.
> The I18N WG feels that, based on examining your document again, the  
> messages on this thread, and our understanding of Widget's P&C, you  
> do not need to make any changes. There are ample mechanisms in XML  
> for encoding IRIs in configuration documents that do not use UTF-8  
> as their encoding and your specification is clear about what the  
> requirements are for widgets.
> Best Regards (for I18N),
> Addison
> Addison Phillips
> Globalization Architect -- Lab126
> Internationalization is not a feature.
> It is an architecture.

Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 17:44:28 UTC