LEIRI as W3C Note

Dear Paul,

I'm writing on behalf of the Internationalization Core WG regarding the idea of creating a W3C-Note to define LEIRIs and which would eventually be replaced with a note referencing IRI-bis when that document is published. I believe that Martin has endorsed this idea and has volunteered to participate in order to ensure that the Note and draft-IRIbis are kept in absolute lock-step. This would have the good effect of allowing the XML Core WG to proceed with a number of stalled documents.

The Internationalization Core WG discussed this in our teleconference today [1] and would like to endorse this idea and offer any support in reviewing this work and ensuring its success.

Best Regards,


[1] http://www.w3.org/2008/08/06-core-minutes.html#item04

Addison Phillips
Chair -- W3C Internationalization Core WG
Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.

Received on Wednesday, 6 August 2008 15:15:24 UTC