Re: [I18N Core] Teleconference Minutes 2006-10-17

François Yergeau wrote:


> ACTION: Felix to write a mail about possibility for SVG tiny
> specific IRI tests to martin and the i18n core list [recorded in
> Still waiting for reply from Chris.

an update on this: I met Chris Lilley at the XSL-FO workshop (workshop
report will follow), and we talked about the tests again. For him it is
important to upload files with non-ascii characters. I will check with
Fumi how to do that (Richard had pinged me a while ago on this too). For
us / Martin it is important to have tests in another format than HTML,
and Chris sad he is very willing to contribute them. So the plan is:
- Chris will send us (i18n core, including Martin) tests or links to
test which we can adapt to use non-ascii characters.
- we will make the IRI tests, give them back to Chris and use them on
our own as well. That is: they will be part of the SVG test suite and of
our IRI-spec test suite.


> LC drafts for review
> ====================
> - Content Selection for Device Independence (DISelect) 1.0
> no i18n specific stuff
> - Delivery Context: XPath Access Functions 1.0
> Potentially issues at
> We don't see the issues here, need to ask Felix who is not on the call.

The list at is
closed with respect to the unit types. At the xsl-fo workshop, Jagat /
Justsystem / Anntenna House said for XSL-FO they want to have a type
"q", which is 0.25 mm. My question is if we should ask the DI group to
add this type here.

> - CSS3 Module: Paged Media
> ACTION: RI and FY to review this spec.
> - Semantic Annotations for WSDL
> no i18n specific stuff
> - Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) 2.1
> ACTION: RI to review this spec.
> - XML Binding Language (XBL) 2.0
> no i18n specific stuff
> ACTION: Felix to update the review radar

done. Note that I did not pute VoiceXML 2.1 here, because the official
LC period is other. Richard, what is your timeline for doing this?



Received on Thursday, 19 October 2006 04:52:02 UTC