WS-I18N, WSCG, and Tech Plenary

Dear WSCG:

As you may have noted, the I18N Core WG recently published a quite primitive working draft of the WS-I18N Spec [1]. We are now at work on updating and fixing this draft to be more applicable, modern, and complete but wanted to be sure that you were aware this work is (finally) proceeding.

In particular, by the time of the Technical Plenary we think this document will be mature and we want to ensure that we schedule some time to discuss as necessary with affected groups represented by WSCG, both as it evolves and at the TP.

Please note that our WG is public, including our main discussion list copied above. If you need us to communicate with us in a Member-Only fashion, be sure to use the member-i18n-core list.


Best Regards,


Addison P. Phillips
Globalization Architect, Quest Software

Chair, W3C Internationalization Core Working Group

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture. 

Received on Monday, 17 October 2005 07:05:14 UTC