Review of qt suite

Hi all,

I talked to Liam Quin from the xquery wg this morning. He said that the 
xquery wg would prefer to have our comments in the bugzilla systems, and 
this is more important than getting all comments until May 13. So I will 
start entering the comments into bugzilla. I will add a mark that due to 
time limitations they are not comments on behalf of the i18n-core-wg, 
but personal comments. We have gone through xquery, xqueryx, data model, 
xpath, serialization, operators (half through). I will enter that 
comments into bugzilla until May 13. We have not gone through xslt 2.0 
yet. I think the i18-core-wg will discuss the comments on next weeks 
telecon and add some more or make clarifications. Currently, it is about 
70 comments for all last call qt specs, I think that's not too much.

Best regards,


Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2005 02:14:59 UTC