Daily github digest (cjklreq)

* w3c/csswg-drafts (+0/-0/πŸ’¬1)
  1 issues received 1 new comments:
  - #4285 [css-text] Need additional value of word-break for Korean (1 by fantasai)
    https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4285 [css-text-4] [i18n-tracker] [i18n-klreq] 

* w3c/clreq (+3/-1/πŸ’¬2)
  3 issues created:
  - δΈ­ζ–‡δΈ­ζ··ζŽ’η”¨ηš„θ‹±ζ–‡γ€ζ•°ε­—ιœ€θ¦θ―¦η»†ι˜θΏ° (by ryukeikun)
  - η€ι‡ε·δΈŽε­—θ· (by xfq)
  - η€ι‡ε·ηš„ε›Ύ (by xfq)
    https://github.com/w3c/clreq/issues/539 [εœ–δΎ‹/figures] 

  1 issues received 2 new comments:
  - #533 δΈ­θ₯Ώζ–‡ι—΄θ·ηš„ε›Ύ (2 by ryukeikun, xfq)
    https://github.com/w3c/clreq/issues/533 [εœ–δΎ‹/figures] 

  1 issues closed:
  - θ₯Ώζ–‡γ€θ₯Ώζ–‡ε­—ζ―γ€ι˜Ώζ‹‰δΌ―ζ•°ε­—η­‰ζœ―θ―­ηš„η”¨ζ³• https://github.com/w3c/clreq/issues/483 [ε•ι‘Œ/question] 

Pull requests
* w3c/clreq (+0/-1/πŸ’¬1)
  1 pull requests received 1 new comments:
  - #492 Revisions for the copy relating to the term β€œθ₯Ώζ–‡β€ per issue #483 (1 by xfq)

  1 pull requests merged:
  - Revisions for the copy relating to the term β€œθ₯Ώζ–‡β€ per issue #483

Repositories tracked by this digest:
* https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts
* https://github.com/w3c/html
* https://github.com/whatwg/html
* https://github.com/w3c/ttml2
* https://github.com/w3c/i18n-issues
* https://github.com/w3c/tt-module-cjk-ext-1
* https://github.com/w3c/clreq
* https://github.com/w3c/jlreq
* https://github.com/w3c/jlreq-d
* https://github.com/w3c/klreq

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Received on Wednesday, 26 April 2023 00:04:03 UTC