Re: [css3-page] Additional page sizes

On 01/11/2015 21:11, Liam Quin wrote:
> On 2015-10-31 06:24, Florian Rivoal wrote:
>> I suggest adding JIS-B4 and JIS-B5 to the list,
> +1
>>  as well as ISO-B4 and
>> ISO-B5 as aliases to B4 and B5 for clarity.
> I'm not in favour of this unless its worded as "implementations must
> also accept...",
> because a drop-down list with all the ISO sizes prefixed by ISO would be
> quite irritating, especially for US and Canada people who'd have to
> scroll past them all to get to US Letter, US Legal and US Tabloid.  :-)

This is for use in CSS files. Few people would have a drop-down list
appear when editing 'size' properties in a CSS file, and fewer still
would have a drop-down list that didn't also refine the list of values
as you type.

That said, there is a drop-down list in the AH Formatter GUI for setting
the default page size [1].

IME, printer manufacturers tend to sort 'L' before 'A' in their GUIs
anyway (see attached).

>> There are many more paper formats we could consider, and for instance
>> Antenna House supports the following
> A shorter list is more helpful in a UI, and the AH one seems a little
> arbitrary, but I strongly agree with you about the confusing sizes.

Possibly no more arbitrary than including 'ledger' in the CSS3 Page
<page-size> list [2]. I don't recall seeing, let alone printing on,
ledger size paper when I lived in the USA.

It seems the 'b4' and 'b5' sizes were first put forward for the list
that was finally adopted just because they are "roughly the same range
as the common North American sizes" [3]. The JIS sizes had been first
mentioned in the second ever message about page size keywords [4] nearly
a year earlier.


Tony Graham.
Senior Architect
XML Division
Antenna House, Inc.
Skerries, Ireland

[3] "For the ISO sizes, it probably would be best to ask a European"

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2015 11:55:52 UTC