Re: [css-ruby] Tone mark of bopomofo in ruby


no, your opinion is so nice and support what the rule I want, really help.

Here's a Bopomofo rule handbook published by Ministry of Education Taiwan[1].

It also place light tone before bopomofo characters, and your example followed the rule.


> Jonathan Kew <> 於 2015年2月4日 上午1:06 寫道:
> On 3/2/15 16:38, Bobby Tung wrote:
>> Hi JK
>> I don't what you do not agree with.
>> In Print and plain text conversion, light tone usually placed before bopomofo character like: ˙ㄧㄚ just like what your example shown.
>> 1. <ruby>呀<rt>ㄧㄚ˙</rt></ruby>
>> 2. <ruby>呀<rt>˙ㄧㄚ</rt></ruby>
>> I think authors should mark bopomofo and light tone as 2.  And browser do nothing to reorder.
> OK, I think I must have misunderstood what you were saying in an earlier message -- sorry for my confusion. Your example (2) agrees with what I was thinking.
> (After re-reading some of the earlier messages in this thread, I'm finding myself less certain just how well-established this convention is. In particular, Richard's page mentions that input methods expect the light tone to be typed after the syllable, which was not what I thought I remembered -- but I'm not a Chinese typist!)
> Anyway, sorry for the noise due to my mis-reading.
> JK

Bobby Tung
W3C invited expert
Chinese Layout Task Force Co-chair

Received on Tuesday, 3 February 2015 17:10:57 UTC