Re: Use Cases & Exploratory Approaches for Ruby Markup

Richard Ishida <> wrote on 2013/03/01 23:11:06
> If you have any comments on the document below, please send to the 
> www-international and public-i18n-cjk *before Thursday*.  On Thursday 
> the i18n WG would like to approve the publication of the document, so 
> that it can be published as a Working Group Note during the following week.

> >

Found a few typos(?):
* 3.4 Grouped rb approach
    "This model also involves the issues mentioned in approach A4, above,..."
    →difficult to find which is "A4"
* 5.4 Grouped rb approach
    In the example of "group ruby on one side", rt3 is doubled: 
    <rt>rt3</rt> and <rtc>rt3</rtc>.
* Appendix A-4 Double-sided ruby, とうとう→とうなん
    - "Expected outcome" images: dbl-mono-grp.png, dbl-mono.png
    - <rt>とう</rt> for 南(なん) in "live" examples

BTW, we (Antenna House) have a ruby implementation supporting
jukugo ruby (HTML5 syntax, rb.rt.rb.rt, <rb> is optional) 
and double-sided ruby (nesting and ruby-position property):

Ruby Extension (AH Formatter V6.0 - Online Manual)

Some examples are shown in Chapter 3 of the following document:

I don't have strong opinion for the grouped rb (rb.rb.rt.rt) model,
but if I have to support it I want to reuse the existing HTML5 model
formatting algorithm and first reorder the internal object sequence
(rb.rb.rt.rt to rb.rt.rb.rt) and then process HTML5 model way.


Shinyu Murakami
Antenna House

Received on Sunday, 3 March 2013 14:09:47 UTC