Re: [css3-text] Better wording than "known to be language X" (was line-break questions/comments

Glenn Adams, Tue, 28 Aug 2012 08:54:56 +0800:
> It is not intended to redefine content language. To make this clear, a
> slight improvement would be:
>> <quote>
>> A phrase of the form "known to be X" where X is a language
>> name, e.g., "known to be Japanese", is intended to be determined
>> using the <a href="#content-language">content language</a> alone, and
> does not imply a requirement to perform
>> linguistic analysis (i.e., language recognition) of associated text
>> content."
>> </quote>

In theory, the host document/language could require UA to perform 
linguistic analysis/recognition. Why not refine the comment to say that 
the UA «must determine the language according to the rules of the host 
language and that for XML and HTML5, this precludes linguistic 
analysis" - etc.
leif halvard silli

Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2012 12:02:29 UTC