Re: Memo from ruby disucssion with Roland

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 03:09, fantasai <>wrote:

> On 02/23/2012 03:29 AM, Roland Steiner wrote:
>> But then, tables and definition lists also don't ask to be alternatively
>> rendered inline, with nice enclosing parentheses.
> Rendering doesn't affect semantic associations in the markup, so I don't
> see how adding a for= attribute makes anything better.

Well, it would have trivial inlining behavior:

        <rb id="T">東</rb><rb id="K">京</rb>
        <rp> ( </rp><rt for="T">とう</rt><rt for="K">きょう</rt><rp> ) </rp>
        <rp> ( </rp><rt for="T K">Tokyo</rt><rp> ) </rp>

But again, I'm not really arguing for this particular proposal - this was
just meant to brainstorm alternatives.

> The problem with the proposal there, from an implementation point of view
>> is that it's hard to layout, esp. on line ends. For
>> example, in a straight-forward layout:
> I don't see how you can solve that concern without switching to a
> column-major model.

That was exactly the point I was trying to make on this thread: to not
simply discard the column-major model out of hand and assume a row-major
model would be just all peaches and sunshine.


- Roland

Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 07:32:32 UTC