Re: Arguments against HTML double-sided ruby (was: Re: Memo from ruby disucssion with Roland)

I am wondering why there have been no reactions to my mail.  Or,
do people discuss about double-sided ruby only for justifying optional
rb elements rather than committing to HTML double-sided ruby?

Note that double-sided ruby "is also very rare.",  according to JLRec.


2012/2/22 MURATA Makoto <>:
> Should HTML (and CSS) support double-sided ruby?  I think that
> more discussions are needed before we discuss about the design
> of HTML markup.
> First, as I wrote in my mail "Desiderata for automatic layout of
> double-sided ruby", an important example of double-sided ruby
> makes automatic formatting and markup design (ruby for ruby,
> and right-left-swapping) very difficult.  What is the scope of
> double-sided ruby?
> Second, annotations have become an important topic for the WWW
> and e-book.  NISO, W3C, and IDPF are very much interested in
> allowing people to create annotations for their own documents or
> other documents.  What is the relationship between ruby and
> annotations?  Here is one possibility: ruby is just one way for
> formatting annotations, and we need a generalized mechanism for
> annotation formatting.  HTML ruby is just a short cut for simple
> and common cases, which are not double-sided.  Further
> generalizations of HTML ruby are questionable.
> I am not convinced why a specialized solution for double-sided
> ruby is needed.  (It is not only me who argues against HTML
> double-sided ruby in  If there is a
> consensus to introduce such a solution, I would like to request
> that my favorite books (the collection from Kodan-sha) be covered.
> Regards,
> Makoto

Received on Thursday, 23 February 2012 22:48:27 UTC