Re: FW: ruby and rb tag

Koji Ishii, Wed, 25 Jan 2012 00:06:49 -0500:
> Since Leif mentioned he'd like to hear what implementers would say, 
> and I agree with that, I contacted Roland at Google, who implemented 
> ruby on WebKit and got his response. I'm forwarding this with his 
> permission. I'll forward another one that followed this as well.

These answers are very, very interesting. 

But one question/answer I miss, is the question about rb/rt/rb/rt 
versus rb/rb/rt/rt, with a perspective on the existing and potential 
problems related to that, as we recently discussed. [Spell checking, 
auto-translation, screen readers, find-in-page, online search engines 
that need to identify words and sentences etc. ]

Leif H Silli

Received on Wednesday, 25 January 2012 11:07:13 UTC