RE: Feedback for rb from (was RE: HTML5 and ruby

Koji Ishii, Sun, 22 Jan 2012 09:46:44 -0500:
>> HTML5's letter-by-letter model creates a difference between what 
>> the user sees in his Web browser and the underlying code.
     ... snip ...
> Letter-by-letter is 
> another example. This lack of capability can cause real problems in 
> fallback, selections, finding the word, TTS, and all other services 
> that parses HTML such as Google Translate.
> Does this express all your concerns?

For letter-by-letter, two more concerns: 
   Firstly, Spell-checking [see discussion with Martin].
   Secondly, authoring. With XHTML 1.1 ruby, then, when you create 
letter-by-letter ruby, you first enter an expression in the ruby base 
container, the <rbc>. And thereafter, you you enter the 'translation' 
inside the <rtc>. Thus, author concentrates on writing the entire base 
first, and thereafter on the ruby text 'translation'. 
   By contrast, in the current HTML5 model, the author must keep the 
tongue in balance and type single letters from *two* words - base and 
translation - simultaneously. This can probably be quite difficult if 
you have long word, or if you have lots of ruby to add, or if you work 
directly with the code. It might also be difficult to automate for hand 
authoring in a WYSIWYG too [consider that for the <dl> element, then - 
to this day - many WYSIWYG authoring tools do not offer any effective 
way for adding <dt> and <dd>.] How difficult it becomes for the author 
to keep them apart, might also depend on how different the script of 
the base is from the script of the ruby text. The HTML5 model, for an 
author, is thus comparable to a table model where one would have to 
work with cells from two rows simultaneously.
Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Sunday, 22 January 2012 21:55:29 UTC