Re: Feedback for rb from (was RE: HTML5 and ruby

Koji Ishii, Sat, 21 Jan 2012 14:50:27 -0500:
>> From: Richard Ishida []

> He also pointed out issues about poor screen 
> readers Leif and Margin mentioned. If a screen reader reads both base 
> and ruby-text--unfortunately there are a lot of such screen readers 
> today--markups written in Fallback case works better than the current 
> HTML5 model (とうきょうとうきょう is easier to listen than とうとうき
> ょうきょう.) I think that also clarifies author's intention of where 
> word breaks that screen readers might be able to do better job.

Just to be sure: When you say 'current HTML5 model', then what you have 
in mind HTML5's current letter-by-letter model:


In that regard, then I think the screen reader issues points to a wider 
problem relating to the fact that HTML5's letter-by-letter model 
creates a difference between what the user sees in his Web browser and 
the underlying code. Think about the following use cases:

* Find-in-page: User wants to find all occurrences of 'WWW'. But 
currently, for the above example, then with HTML5's current 
letter-by-letter model, no Web browser will detect 'WWW'.

* Online translation services such as Google Translate: These services, 
as well, will not translate ruby correctly if the ruby is using HTML5's 
current letter-by-letter model correctly.
Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Sunday, 22 January 2012 10:30:37 UTC