Re: [JLReq] [3.5.3] Even space/spacing


Thanks for your comment as usual.

We JLTF Japanese team discussed your issue this week.

2010/12/17 Tony Graham <>:
> In section 3.5.3 [1], "Even spacing distribution' is used in item d and
> note 2 (and in Appendix G, Terminology), and 'even space distribution'
> is used in Fig. 155.  The usage should be consistent.
> (FWIW, I prefer 'even space distribution'.)
Accepted and the text will be changed.

Even spacing distribution
Even space distribution

BTW, the word "space" is somewhat difficult to treat for us.
Sometimes "space" directly indicate some "space position" or some
implicit space typeface image made with lead, and sometimes "space"
means some changing value of white gap between characters or words.
After long and active discussion, JLTF team reached to use three
different types of "space"s.
Full width space, half width space and variable space.
"Full width space" and "half width space" are rather physical "space
type face" image and "variable space" is similar to Western word
space. The difficulty is even "full width space " and "half width
space" are used to adjust the end of text line to Kihon-hanmen.
ANY, if you find farther ambiguous places about usage of "space",
please suggest us without hesitation.

> Also, should there be an erratum to JLReq changing the email address for
> where to send comments?
Currently, there are two mailing lists on JLReq, one is and the other is
The former is closed list for W3C member experts. the latter is a
newly created open list for all experts and layman.
Both lists are still alive.
But in near future after the second version of JLReq will be
published, we expect that the discussion will somewhat shift from
Japanese only to CJK general typesetting issues, so the CJK list shall
be the main discussion stream.

KOBAYASHI Tatsuo(小林龍生)
Scholex Co., Ltd. Yokohama

Received on Thursday, 23 December 2010 20:26:38 UTC