Re: [clreq] Move editors to authors (#603)

> I was surprised that you'd managed to squeeze this in between the abstract and SOTD. While that seems appropriate, unfortunately it looks a bit odd that the header starts with "1. " but is followed by an unnumbered SOTD (and slightly odd inter-section spacing). I think we'd need to raise this with respec folks & spec design folks to resolve.

Agreed. If placed before SOTD, this section should be unnumbered.

> Also, i keep thinking that a better title for this section would be "Contributors", rather than "Acknowledgements". The latter seems more like an afterthought, and the former seems more indicative of what we're setting out to do.


> For the Khmer lreq doc i experimented with putting the acknowledgments section at the beginning of the introduction, and calling it 'Contributors'. It seems not so bad...

Looks good to me. This is another approach, and does not require respec to change their code. I wonder what other people think?

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