Re: [bp-i18n-specdev] legacy grapheme clusters vs extended grapheme clusters (#1)

There is no mention of legacy grapheme clusters in specdev at the moment and I think this paragraph in `UAX #29` answers Florian's question:

> An ***extended grapheme cluster*** is the same as a legacy grapheme cluster, with the addition of some other characters. The continuing characters are extended to include all spacing combining marks, such as the spacing (but dependent) vowel signs in Indic scripts. For example, this includes U+093F ( ि ) DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN I. The extended grapheme clusters should be used in implementations in preference to legacy grapheme clusters, because they provide better results for Indic scripts such as Tamil or Devanagari in which editing by orthographic syllable is typically preferred. For scripts such as Thai, Lao, and certain other Southeast Asian scripts, editing by visual unit is typically preferred, so for those scripts the behavior of extended grapheme clusters is similar to (but not identical to) the behavior of legacy grapheme clusters.

IMHO this kind of detail should be mentioned by charmod, not in specdev.

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