Re: [alreq] Urdu Layourt Requirements (#269)

@vermaprashant1 here is what i'd propose wrt the information in your document.  Does this sound like a good plan to you, or are you thinking along different lines?

1. Create an Urdu gap-analysis document containing the following points:
   1. Generic fallbacks should cause browsers to choose nastaliq fonts by default
   3. First-letter styling should include all joined glyphs (this needs further discussion)
   4. The other essential RTL issues raised for other RTL script gap docs (which doesn't include form issues, since those fall out of the normal RTL rendering in the browser)
5. Update the Ready-made Counter Styles document with 2 styles per the information in your document – there may be another gap issue here if doubled letters must not join
6. Create a Layout Requirements doc for Urdu (already in the pipeline)
    1. I would normally do this by porting portions of to a new document on our site, but would include any additional information in your document (with references)

Here are some additional things to consider:

7. Places in your doc where more information is needed:
   1. Section 3 talks about 'letter-spacing' but gives no information about how that would work.  Do you have such information?  I have seen one font that elongates some letters, but usually stretching text is much more complicated in the arabic script and is not common in the nastaliq style.  I don't usually find that Urdu nastaliq fonts support kashida elongation.
   2. Section 5 says that line-breaking rules must be applied, but doesn't say what they are other than that words should not be broken (which is already the default as far as i know).  Is there more that is not covered by the default Unicode line-break rules?
   3. In section 8, could you clarify whether the highlighted text ends at the end of a word or at the first character that doesn't join to the left?  I'm guessing word, given the example with the hamza at the end(?). But this seems at odds with the 'Standalone Form', where the highlighted letters seem to be part of the following word.  Is the standalone approach different from the 'final unjoined' approach, or are they both simply terminating at the first non-left-joining letter?
   4. In section 9 is the 'Alpha, beta Listing' a fixed counter style? (ie. isn't used after U+063A)

8. Information in your doc that we probably don't need to repeat in the lreq doc
   1.  Sections 1 and 2 are for users
   2. Section 6 should be managed by the font, and i'm not aware of any special difficulties here.
   5. Section 7 is commonsense advice for users.

9. Comments on your doc:
    1. In section 2 you may want to note that the user-installed fonts you mention can't be used in the Safari (WebKit) browser, because that browser allows use of system fonts only, unless the content author provides a web font.
    6.  In section 7 your code should not be using CSS to set the text direction (see  Urdu text should be surrounded by a `p` or `div` element which has a `lang` attribute and `dir="rtl"`.  The code shown is a very bad example.

What do you think?

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