Re: [i18n-discuss] [Generic font families] "Slanted" category in Hebrew (#32)

> I think the directional slanting is already there, like {font-style: oblique 50deg;}, where the angular measure can be either positive or negative.

Yeah, but the browsers don't handle it well yet.  That's in discussion in the CSS WG.

> So, on my opinion, there is no reason to deviate from Latin in the slanting / italic behavior for Hebrew.

I'm inclined to agree.

> The Rashi script does warrant a category of its own, provided we can guarantee that some Rashi font is present on the system. If there is no Rashi at all, I would still prefer to see Hebrew instead of rectangular boxes.

Yes, the idea is that if no Rashi generic font is available, the browser will fall back to another generic (such as serif/sans-serif).

The only Rashi font i'm aware of provided by macOS, Windows11, Noto and SIL is a Noto font. See

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