Re: [i18n-discuss] [Generic font families] "Slanted" category in Hebrew (#32)

Thanks for the comment. 

Do you think there might be a call for directional slanting to be managed in generic font families?  CSS is already considering ways of stating such preferences for obliquing text (which is relevant for Arabic, and N'Ko scripts, too); ie. if the author wants the text to slant in the direction of reading, the browser would look for a font that slants text in the desired direction, rather than falling back to a random font which may slant to the right.  Maybe it's enough to handle that in the oblique settings??

Slanted text may be different in Hebrew from scripts like Tamil and Khmer, so i'll admit i wasn't sure about including it.  

I wonder whether we should recommend a generic category for Rashi fonts, since they tend to be used in specific situations, where you want the fallback to be resistant to random subsitutions(??).

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