Re: [clreq] Best line length (#555)

> 作为总体原则,行长应依照不同字体、版式、成品尺寸以及媒介种类、根据实际情况设置。一般来说,报纸期刊的行长相对较短,而书籍的行长较长,但作为参考值,大多数书籍的正文行长一般设在 17 到 40 字范围区间。为避免阅读时频繁换行、串行等情况,正文行长最小不宜少于 10 字、而横排最大行长不宜长于 48 字、竖排不宜长于 55 字。

> As a basic principle, the line length should be set according to the actual conditions where the type is being set, which could be usage of different fonts, formatting structures, product sizing or media types. Generally, the line length for newspapers and periodicals are relatively shorter, while the line length for books are longer. For the sake of reference, most books have line lengths of body text in the range between 17 to 40 characters. To prevent excessive line breaks that could cause difficultyin reading, the line length of body text should not be less than 10 characters. For horizontal writing mode, the line length of body copy should not exceed 48 characters. For vertical writing mode, the line length of body copy should not exceed 55 characters.

Some suggestions:

> As a basic principle, the line length should be set according to the actual conditions where the type is being set, which could be ***the*** usage of different fonts, ***design of the type area***, ***trim size*** or media types. Generally, the line length for newspapers and periodicals ***is*** relatively shorter, while the line length for books ***is*** longer. For the sake of reference, most books have line lengths of body text in the range between 17 to 40 characters. To prevent excessive line breaks that could cause ***difficulty in*** reading, the line length of body text should not be less than 10 characters. For horizontal writing mode, the line length of body copy should not exceed 48 characters. For vertical writing mode, the line length of body copy should not exceed 55 characters.

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