Re: [clreq] 需要增加关于行间标点排版的内容 (#463)

「双面装」「单面装」的「装」,我觉得其实用 setting 就好?
倒是「行间线」有点难,总不能叫 Interline lines 吧? Interline line-mark?

> Although the typesetting of ancient Chinese texts is beyond the scope of this document, it can still serve as a reference for the basic principles of interlinear punctuation.


>  Interlines must not be arbitrarily broken up, a single interline cannot be composed out of multiple fragments either. 
这个 either 要改 neither?

另外从行文上,建议将表示要求的「应」翻译成 shall 而非 must (与所有 ISO 标准文档的措辞一致)即 

- requirement:shall(应/应该,只准许)
- recommendation:should(宜/推荐,建议)
- permitted:may(可/可以,允许)
- possible:can(能/能够)

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