Re: [jlreq-d] Proposal: making ruby breakable (#19)

> @macnmm , could you help me understanding the nature of the complexity a bit more in details?

When composing ruby and base text, you first determine if the ruby is wider than the base text, and then whether or not the wide ruby is allowed to overhang the adjacent characters, to determine the final width of the base text/ruby combination. In addition, the positioning of the ruby above the base text is determined (kata-tsuki, etc). Knowing the final width, each completed block is then able to be put into the growing line width to find the line maximum. When the above calculations have to be redone for a given block/word when the ruby run is broken across lines, i.e. the width of the combination grows or shrinks, or the positioning of the ruby changes, or both, then you must do that calculation in the same step in anticipation of the possible line breaks. Paragraph composition is especially so, since it is done by pre-calculating all line breaks for the paragraph and choosing the best overall path for the best average color (=character and word spacing).

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