[jlreq] [simple-ruby] Editorial nits (#191)

r12a has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/jlreq:

== [simple-ruby] Editorial nits ==
The following are requests for simple editorial nits throughout the document, gathered in one place.  I will raise separate issues for items that may need more discussion.

Status of This Document

non-japanese -> non-Japanese

Internationalizatoin Interest Group -> Internationalization Interest Group

3.2 Placement of mono-ruby 

some amout -> some amount

but recognize the -> but recognizes the 

BP #5 
at the end of then line -> at the end of the line

3.3 Placement of group-ruby

under fig 10
capped at than half -> capped at no more than half

fig 13
i think it would be clearer if the 'package' example and the 'frontier' example were separated by a small amount of vertical space.

BP #3 
see Figure 14 -> see Figure 13 (?)

BP #5
where it is wrapped, and is then processed -> where it is wrapped, it is then processed

3.4 Placement of Jukugo-ruby

BP #3
has be described -> has been described

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/issues/191 using your GitHub account

Received on Wednesday, 25 March 2020 16:07:15 UTC