Re: [jlreq] 3.1.3: There is no simple way of achieving what's described in 3.1.3 (#164)

This feature does not necessarily need to be automatically detected by the browser or e-book reader. Content authors should be able to mark it up using HTML classes and use CSS to control the presentation (i.e., spacing). I think that jlreq should not be limited to include only typographic features that the browser/RS can automatically detect and implement. For example, we can use something like this:

/* CSS does not have this property value. I just use trim-decimal-point as a possible example. */
.ideographic-numeral {
  text-spacing: trim-decimal-point;
<span class="ideographic-numeral">〇・三五一四</span>

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Received on Sunday, 2 February 2020 00:38:42 UTC