Re: [jlreq] Fullwidth punctuation missing from character classes appendix (#185)

I also found that confusing, initially. (And sometimes still trip up over it.)

I also worry about changing the character to ASCII full stop, since it suggests that that is what authors should use, which i believe is incorrect.  The distinction between the two as described in jlreq may be logically feasible, but in practise, especially without all the clever handling described in jlreq about optimal character widths, i think people are better off using the fullwidth forms, and i think they do use them generally.

Therefore, i'd be more inclined to change the label to U+FF0E FULLWIDTH FULL STOP rather than change the character displayed in the chart.  That also makes it easy to understand the jlreq doc, because otherwise you have to get your head around the idea that this proportionally spaced character needs to be regarded as having width in order to follow the text.

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Received on Thursday, 11 June 2020 10:53:59 UTC