Re: [charmod-norm] Confusable definition

Homographs and confusables are (slightly) separate concepts. There are confusables that are not exact homographs (1 vs. lowercase-L). There are homographs that are not confusable (À vs À, where one is U+00C0 and one is U+0041 U+0300) because they are logically the same thing.

The "P" example was difficult to convey. I was looking for a way to say that more elegantly than I ended up with. Perhaps go from:

> These letters from the Greek, Cyrillic, and Latin scripts look identical in most fonts (that is, they are homographs), but they are encoded separately, as they are logically distinct parts of their respective Greek, Cyrillic, or Latin alphabet.


> These letters from the Greek, Cyrillic, and Latin scripts look identical in most fonts (that is, they are homographs), but they are encoded separately, as they are logically distinct letters (indeed, not even pronounced the same way) in their respective Greek, Cyrillic, or Latin alphabet.

I wanted to mention that they were separate alphabets to draw attention to the fact that each alphabet is complete unto itself. Some letters, after all, are more closely related between the separate scripts.

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Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2017 17:01:55 UTC