Re: [charmod-norm] Figure 1 needs a colour key

I made more contrasty color choices ("mmm! pastels!"). There is only one green color and one blue color: those characters use the same sequence as each other, which is what the color is supposed to illustrate visually.

@asmusf No, the example doesn't illustrate canonical reordering. Nor does it discuss pre-normalized vs. non-normalized inputs. We do have text about some of these topics. UAX15, by my count, has at least 7 illustrations and tables about this topic. Shouldn't Mark and Ken have to do at least some of the heavy lifting here? :-) 

The U+01FA example was carefully chosen to have a compatibility equivalent and a canonical mapping (actually, two of them) as well as a precomposed code point. Is there a better general illustration?

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Received on Thursday, 26 October 2017 03:17:29 UTC