[bp-i18n-specdev] mention the language subtag registry

aphillips has just created a new issue for 

== mention the language subtag registry ==
I'd add a new requirement just under 
http://w3c.github.io/bp-i18n-specdev/#lang_use_bcp47. Something like:

> **Use the Language Subtag Registry instead of references or lists of
 codes extracted from ISO 639 or ISO 3166**

> As part of BCP 47, IANA maintains the language subtag registry, 
which is a publicly available, machine-readable list of valid subtags 
for use in language tags. While this registry is based on underlying 
ISO standards, such as ISO 639 (languages) and ISO 3166 (regions), the
 list is actively maintained, stabilized, and comprehensive in ways 
that other lists found on the Internet may not be.

Please view or discuss this issue at 
https://github.com/w3c/bp-i18n-specdev/issues/14 using your GitHub 

Received on Thursday, 16 June 2016 14:54:54 UTC