[clreq] Document uses artificial attribute data-lang instead of the built-in lang attribute

aphillips has just created a new issue for 

== Document uses artificial attribute data-lang instead of the 
built-in lang attribute ==
A colleague (Robert Chu) pointed out to me:

>The Chinese text in the document aren’t properly tagged - 
`<p data-lang="zh">中文分為繁體字與簡體字,兩者除文字字形、筆畫多寡等差異外,各項排版規則也有所區別。</p>`
>Not sure why ‘data-lang’ was used all over the place rather than 

There doesn't appear to be a reason not to use the `lang` attribute. 
The language selection script and styling can work on that attribute 
just as well (even better, in the case of `:lang`)

See https://github.com/w3c/clreq/issues/71

Received on Thursday, 16 July 2015 17:42:30 UTC