Tutorial materials [Was: Re: [hcg] agenda HCG call October 7, 2011]

On 10/6/11 10:24 PM, ext Deborah Dahl wrote:
> * Tutorial materials. What are working groups doing - leaving it to third
> parties, providing basic training material, starting community groups to
> tackle it? Wikipedia? Does this fall into life-after-Rec?

Hi Deborah,

Re WebApps and WebEvents - although our charters say we may produce 
Tutorials and Primers, the reality is we haven't created any (except for 
an XBL2 Primer that has been dormant for several years).

I think the main reason is that getting a spec past CR (and therefore, 
arguably stable enough for a tutorial), is sooooo hard that by the time 
we get there, other priorities take over. In practice though, I don't 
think lack of WG-produced tutorials for our Web APIs has been a (major) 
issue because there are several external resources that are quite good.

I also tend to think the skill sets of (at least some) techical spec 
editors aren't quite the same as the skills needed to create good/useful 
educational info. To that end, I believe Doug and others have been 
pursing a separate activity re "Web education and outreach". I think 
that's the (better) way to proceed as it should attract individuals with 
the right skill sets.


Received on Friday, 7 October 2011 13:07:44 UTC