Minutes, HCG call Friday January 15, 2010 (testing in the browser)

These minutes are being posted in the public list to record
the HCG discussion of testing in the browser (see topic 3).

                               - DRAFT -

              Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference
                              15 Jan 2010


          Debbie_Dahl, Kazuyuki, Plh, Steven, +95089aaaa, glazou, Bert,
          Shepazu, ChrisL




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Actions
         2. [6]HCG time
         3. [7]Testing in the Browser
     * [8]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 15 January 2010

   <Steven_> Hi

   <Steven_> Muted

   <scribe> scribenick: shepazu


   <ChrisL> action-16?

   <trackbot> ACTION-16 -- Doug Schepers to coordinate with Mike and
   SVG-in-HTML (Issue-37), keep HCG informed -- due 2009-10-31 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [9]http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/16

      [9] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/16

   <ChrisL> close action-16

   <trackbot> ACTION-16 Coordinate with Mike and SVG-in-HTML
   (Issue-37), keep HCG informed closed

   shepazu: this is ongoing, probably doesn't need an action

   <ChrisL> action-28?

   <trackbot> ACTION-28 -- Philippe Le Hégaret to write binding-license
   advice for /Guide -- due 2009-12-31 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [10]http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/28

     [10] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/28

   plh: can we extend that by a month?
   ... making progress on the document license

   <ChrisL> action-30?

   <trackbot> ACTION-30 -- Doug Schepers to report on SVG WG's progress
   on test framework -- due 2009-09-11 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [11]http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/30

     [11] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/30

   <ChrisL> close action-30

   <trackbot> ACTION-30 Report on SVG WG's progress on test framework

   shepazu: MS joined SVG WG, and we are suggesting submitting tests in

   <ChrisL> action-32?

   <trackbot> ACTION-32 -- Deborah Dahl to follow up on scxml
   implementations from KDE -- due 2009-09-30 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [12]http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/32

     [12] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/32

   <ChrisL> action-41?

   <trackbot> ACTION-41 -- Philippe Le Hégaret to and Chris to work on
   a proposed charter for the Group -- due 2009-11-27 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [13]http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/41

     [13] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/41

   ChrisL: we decided to do an extension for now
   ... that's just an email to the AC

   plh: yes, but it has to go through W3M first

   ddahl: how long is the extension?

   plh: 2 years

   shepazu: so, we aren't going to make the group public?

   plh: we are going to try to be more careful about being publicly

   ddahl: this week's minutes are going to be public

HCG time

   <Steven_> public-hypertext-cg@w3.org

   ddahl: ArtB has a problem with this time
   ... he suggested an hour earlier, which is inconvenient for many
   west-coast people

   <Steven_> and japan

   ChrisL: maybe a survey?

   <Steven_> This hour is the only one that is anyway acceptible for
   west coast and Japan

   ChrisL: new person representing ITU based in Japan

   <scribe> ACTION: ChrisL to create telcon time WBS survey [recorded
   in [14]http://www.w3.org/2010/01/15-hcg-minutes.html#action01]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-42 - Create telcon time WBS survey [on
   Chris Lilley - due 2010-01-22].

Testing in the Browser

   ChrisL: topic's been around for a while, could mean 2 things

   1) browser used as test platform, such as through a harness,
   one-by-one, noting results,

   scribe: takes an hour or more to collate results

   <ChrisL> One aspect is testing by using the browser as a platform,
   like the css3.nu tests for css selectors. The browser runs the whole
   suite (or some subset that needs no interaction) itself, using
   scripting, then displays the result.

   ChrisL: alternately, the browser could do the testing

   <ChrisL> [15]http://www.css3.info/selectors-test/

     [15] http://www.css3.info/selectors-test/

   ChrisL: I did the CSS Selectors test suite by hand, and it took me
   1.5 hours per browser
   ... used the automatic harness, and it took only minutes
   ... you still need to capture the results, and we need to talk about
   how to do that
   ... 2) the other aspect...

   <ChrisL> Another aspect is testing things that are needed in
   practice but fall between specifications. For example, no-one would
   use a browser that can't center a JPEG image in an HTML page. But
   HTML says as little as possible about rendering and has no required
   image formats. CSS tries to not refer to specific markup languages.
   So it all falls between the cracks.

   <ChrisL> In some cases this is dealt with by making wrapper
   specifications that include a bunch of other specs by reference and
   then add extra conformance criteria. The desirability of that
   approach can be discussed.

   <glazou> yeah

   <ChrisL> hmm i was dropped, will redial

   ddahl: some of the links focused on testing i general, managing
   large test suites... I don't think we need to cover that

   plh: my experience is that browser vendors are interested in
   submitting tests, but not in adding information or running tests

   ChrisL: they do seem reluctant to run them, which is why I've been
   doing it to move the specs forward
   ... but they do seem interested in automatic testing

   Steven_: even though the browser vendors haven't shown interest, why
   are we doing this? it's for W3C process and progress on the Rec

   ChrisL: there are other people who could run tests: staff, members
   of the public

   <Steven_> We have to test in order to get out of CR

   ChrisL: we need to clarify the process for doing so, and the public
   could help more

   plh: it's a resources problem

   <ChrisL> especially if the collection and collation of results is

   plh: the browser vendors, to be blunt, aren't interested in W3C
   being able to evaluate their browsers
   ... I haven't been able to get funding

   ChrisL: we need to give them the framework first, then ask to help
   improve it

   shepazu: it may be that they are reluctant to give resources, but
   might agree with the goal
   ... seems to me we could apply for a grant from the Web Foundation,
   testing is a fundamental part of making the Web better and more
   accessible and i18ned

   plh: the deadliine for contributing to the CSS2.1 spec was today,
   how do you plan to manage this?

   glazou: good question, we have many thousands of tests, need to
   discuss this
   ... should happen next week

   plh: any suggestion how we could generate such a report?

   glazou: CSS may be easier than others, we can use CSS DOM to get
   ... handling thousands of protocol tests... whew, that's another
   ... CSS often needs the rendering test done by hand
   ... we can sometimes use canvas (not on IE), many have reference
   ... one part can often be tested automated, but another needs to be
   tested by humans

   plh: would making a public announcement calling for aid help?

   glazou: maybe, but would it be in a reasonable timeframe

   ChrisL: the instructions need to be clear, and a good test makes
   that easier ("if you see red, the test fails")

   glazou: this depends on what you're testing... animations and

   <ChrisL> svg has animation tests so the end result has things lined
   up or covering each other if the animation is correct

   glazou: for CSS, we could easily write a framework to test 99% of
   tests in a browser with Canvas, without it, forget it

   shepazu: what about RefTest? we have good results in automation at
   the Test Summit

   ChrisL: 99% really helps

   glazou: don't forget we need reference images for all those

   <ChrisL> especially when there are thousands of tests

   shepazu: there are a lot of challenges with maintaining reference
   images, especially over versions
   ... reftest may be better

   <ChrisL> reftests avoid variations due to font rendering or subpixel

   ChrisL: what's the next step? how do we move forward?
   ... you seem a bit pessimistic

   plh: it's just going to require a significant level of effort, not
   sure where we are going to find funding and resources

   ddahl: is it a general problem, or one for each spec/group?

   <ChrisL> ach chris

   plh: it's general... we have good results in all browsers, even IE,
   at the test summit

   glazou: even IE?

   plh: Sylvain Pashe had a clever way of automating the browsers

   glazou: that comparison can't be done in the browser then

   shepazu: I don't think that's a problem

   glazou: it is for mobile browsers

   shepazu: touche

   ChrisL: if you are just need 2-4 results for CR implementation
   reports, that suffices, but for completeness, this approach won't

   glazou: there are big differences between mobile and desktop
   versions of the same browser

   shepazu: question is, are we doing tests to help specs pass CR, or
   to improve interop by testing all browsers on all platforms?

   ChrisL: both, but CR testing is primary

   <scribe> ACTION: shepazu to start a wiki page to summarize the 2
   goals, with Use cases and requirements for each goal [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-43 - Start a wiki page to summarize the 2
   goals, with Use cases and requirements for each goal [on Doug
   Schepers - due 2010-01-22].

   <scribe> ACTION: look into funding from Web Foundation and NIH
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - look

   <scribe> ACTION: plh to look into funding for browser testing from
   Web Foundation and NIST [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-44 - Look into funding for browser testing
   from Web Foundation and NIST [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due

   glazou: when we design a test suite, we should have a manifest that
   describes the means of testing for each test: reference image,
   reftest, human

   ChrisL: and the results need to glued together

   <ChrisL> We need to discuss collating multiple test results, but
   there is no time

   shepazu: we talked about that at the Test Summit

   trackbot, end telcon

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: ChrisL to create telcon time WBS survey [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: look into funding from Web Foundation and NIH
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: plh to look into funding for browser testing from Web
   Foundation and NIST [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: shepazu to start a wiki page to summarize the 2 goals,
   with Use cases and requirements for each goal [recorded in

   [End of minutes]


Received on Friday, 29 January 2010 19:00:33 UTC