Some questions about HYDRA

Greetings fellow HYDRA heads,

I have a couple of HYDRA (and JSON-LD) related questions:

1. How essential is the entrypoint to a HYDRA api? Why isn't a dedicated
EntryPoint class defined? Could the ApiDocumentation function as the
entrypoint resource (I doesn't seem so, but figured I'd ask)?

2. What is the functional difference between the @context and the @type
keywords? More specifically, why would you opt to use @type instead of or
in addition to @context, when it seems that you can achieve sufficient
descriptiveness with the use of just @context and sub/scoped contexts? I've
read through and, but it is not
clear what the use of one is accomplishing in contrast to the other.

Thank you all,


Received on Wednesday, 29 September 2021 05:26:33 UTC