Re: Introducing myself: Christian Rebischke

You might want to look at the W3C Web of Things work, also, as it is targeting IoT use cases specifically.
However WoT Thing Descriptions are JSON-LD and do support semantic extensions, etc.
Michael McCool

On 2020-02-10, 6:42 AM, "Christian Rebischke" <> wrote:

    Hello everybody,
    Ny name is Christian Rebischke and I am currently doing my research
    semester during my Master at TU Clausthal (Germany).
    I am part of a small team around a bigger research project, called
    "basic technologies and engineering methods for emergent genesis and
    semantic composition of IoT ecosystems".
    Sounds fancy, but actually we are just trying to enable emergent web
    services. For this we need semantic input and output description.
    Can I achieve this with Hydra? And do you have any tools for
    autogenerating the Hydra vocab?
    Best regards,
    Christian Rebischke

Received on Monday, 10 February 2020 14:49:03 UTC