Moving forward

Dear Hydranians

"There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?"

We agreed on the last call to close some issues (listed in my New
Years post to the community). While this move was to prioritize some
issues so we can focus on more important topics, it also fulfilled
it's another purpose - unhibernating other members of our community.

It seems we've gained some momentum, people got our attention - this
is good. I hope this is a sign to return to our work on both hydra
spec and the tooling.

Please, feel free to reopen any of the closed issues with new input
that would shed some more light and start a conversation.

Our community and all the communication channels are for you - I'll
put all the effort I can to finalize all our work with real
deliverables that can be used in the willdands.


Karol Szczepanski

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2019 08:27:26 UTC