RE: Interpreting JSON as JSON-LD / Content-Type header spec. requirements

Hi Christopher,

This list is about Hydra. You probably want to post this on instead.


-------------------- Original Message -------------------
From: Christopher Johnson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 4:54 PM
Subject: Interpreting JSON as JSON-LD / Content-Type header spec. requirements

Hi list,

In am writing tests and a possibly a new async document loader implementation for jsonld-java that could check Content-Type and Link headers before fetching.  The current one does not. 

I would like research and find actual examples where the JSON-LD specification about the Interpretation requirement has been observed.  Anyone know a site that serve Content-Type application/json with a Link header that provides a "" relation?  

Also could somebody please explain to me why application/ld+json is forbidden to provide an #context relation with a Link Header?  Is an #context relation (if served as application/ld+json) allowed to specify a profile?  Or could a non Content-Type profile be served as application/json and provide a secondary #context relation if it were itself an #context ?  Should the document loader check (and possibly dereference the relations) if "second-step" remote documents provide Link and/or Content-Type profile?  Should there be a processing "order of precedence"?

Just trying to understand required hypermedia options and possible use cases.

Christopher Johnson
Scientific Associate
Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig


Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2017 19:34:40 UTC