Type Index Registry (Solid Application Data Discovery)


Reminded by Markus' note in on of his recent commits

 > **Note:** The `events` property would need to be specified by the 
API. Hydra currently doesn't define any concepts which would allow to 
reference collections and describe their items in more details.

I would like to share with this mailing list approach which Solid team 
experiments with


and have implemented in


For hydra:Collection solid:instanceContainer seems relevant


An example Listed Type Index resource might contain:

# Maps the type vcard:AddressBook to an index document
<#ab09fd> a solid:TypeRegistration;
     solid:forClass vcard:AddressBook;
     solid:instance </contacts/myPublicAddressBook.ttl>.

# Maps the type sioc:Post to a container
<#ab09cc> a solid:TypeRegistration;
     solid:forClass sioc:Post;
     solid:instanceContainer </posts/>.

So for our example in that use case, it would look something like

<#ab09cc> a solid:TypeRegistration;
     solid:forClass schema:Event;
     solid:instanceContainer </api/events>.


Received on Saturday, 27 May 2017 15:20:52 UTC