Hydra W3C Community Group Telecon Minutes for 2017-06-26

Thanks Pavlik for scribing. The minutes from this week's telecon are
now available at


The full text of the discussion is below, including a link to the audio

Hydra W3C Community Group Telecon Minutes for 2017-06-26

  1. Status update on architectural diagram
  2. schema.org actions PR #125
  3. Reference client PR #1
  4. void:classPartition Issue #126
  1. Merge schema.org actions PR #125
Action Items:
  1. Markus will try to find a tool which will help us with PR 
    reviews; it's currently difficult to keep track what has been 
    addressed and what hasn't
  2. Markus to rename issue #126 to not suggest a solution
  3. Pavlik to drive discussion regarding #126 after the issue 
    has been renamed
  Markus Lanthaler
  elf Pavlik
  elf Pavlik, Karol Szczepański, Markus Lanthaler

elf Pavlik is scribing.

Topic: Status update on architectural diagram

Markus Lanthaler: 
Markus Lanthaler:  ruben made PR and send an email that he can 
  not join the call today
  ... PR includes script that generates SVG from LaTeX on travis 
  and adds it to gh-pages branch
  ... we should just probably move this discussion to PR or 
  mailing list

Topic: schema.org actions PR #125

Markus Lanthaler: 
elf Pavlik:  I think I addressed all feedback [scribe assist by 
  Markus Lanthaler]
  ... I touched a few more things than just schema.org actions
  ... one thing is, e.g. the #events link

PROPOSAL: Merge schema.org actions PR #125

Markus Lanthaler: +1
elf Pavlik: +1
Karol Szczepański: +1

RESOLUTION: Merge schema.org actions PR #125

Markus Lanthaler:  I will merge it after the meeting

Topic: Reference client PR #1

Markus Lanthaler: https://github.com/HydraCG/Heracles.ts/pull/1
Markus Lanthaler:  karol would you like to give us quick update ?
Karol Szczepański:  I made new commit yesterday which addressed 
  most of the feedback
  ... I still don't have this 'lazy parsing', possibly I would 
  leave it for the future
  ... up to you (Markus) if you need it now or we can wait
Markus Lanthaler:  I don't see it as blocking issue
Karol Szczepański:  everything now stays behind interfaces facade 
  so we can replace everything behind it later
Markus Lanthaler:  did you already add a TODO ?
Karol Szczepański:  in general i try to stick to the Use Cases
  ... currently we have a little bit of implementation
  ... ApiDocumentation fetching and EntryPoint fetching
  ... we should have some integration tests based on Ucs
  ... i would like to root it in the use cases
Markus Lanthaler:  I meant just a comment with TODO just as a 
  reminder for what we discussed and decided to address in the 
Karol Szczepański:  we can also create issues in the gh repo
Markus Lanthaler:  creating an issue sounds like a good way to go
  ... in general if someone creates PR and we want to defer 
  addressing some of the issues, creating gh issues makes sense
Karol Szczepański:  I'll create issues for what we want to deffer 
  from this PR
Markus Lanthaler:  I find it difficult to track of all those 
  comments we make in PR reviews
  ... do you know any other tool that might handle it better
  ... if author of the PR could mark a thread as addressed or not
  ... i could suggest something after small research

ACTION: Markus will try to find a tool which will help us with PR reviews;
it's currently difficult to keep track what has been addressed and what

Karol Szczepański:  one question regarding my PR
  ... this 10 days long discussion stops me from further 
  ... how we can speed up our PR process so it doesn't block my 
  ... from my perspective current pace feels slow
  ... waiting 10 days seems to long
Markus Lanthaler:  maybe making smaller PRs will make things 
  ... this one as initial one included a lot of things
  ... if you nail down interfaces first, which requires most 
and focus on implementation later this would speed things up
Karol Szczepański:  IMO our needs have to be a driver, it may 
  benefit a final outcome if requirements drive it
Markus Lanthaler:  interfaces could be driven by use cases, what 
  user of this library would need to work with given use case
Karol Szczepański:  i'll try to think it over and will propose 
  something to the community
Markus Lanthaler:  what next things you would like to work on?
Karol Szczepański:  i would like to start with integration tests, 
  and add datasets based on our use cases
  ... so that we can start extracting some data that other 
  implementations could eventually also use
Markus Lanthaler:  given we didn't come up with a specific 
  solution on how to speed it up, maybe also you could ask on 
  mailing list for reviews
and when you see it ready to merge we can make a 'last call' on 
  mailing list to ask if anyone objects
elf Pavlik:  I think if we get disciplined and keep focused in 
  PRs we could get much faster [scribe assist by Markus Lanthaler]
  ... we shouldn't get sidetracked by unrelated stuff but move 
  that aggresively to separate issues
Karol Szczepański:  we should try everything what could speed up 
  the process

Topic: void:classPartition Issue #126

Markus Lanthaler: 
elf Pavlik:  I'm not sure this is worth discussing yet but given 
  we have time... [scribe assist by Markus Lanthaler]
  ... I think we should find a better pattern for links in the 
  EntryPoint that point to collections of resources of a specific 
  ... the example was the "events" link in the EntryPoint that 
  points to a collection containing all Events
  ... we need to be able to describe that to a client in a better 
Karol Szczepański:  We discussed this before in the context of 
  Data Shapes [scribe assist by Markus Lanthaler]
  ... OWL would be another solution
  ... but it opens a can of worms and may be difficult for the 
  client to use
Karol Szczepański: SHACL was the name
Markus Lanthaler:  OWL works and has capacity to express it, but 
  it opens a can of worms that it has a lot of power and clients 
  should have to fully implement it
  ... class partition seems nice, but hydra should handle it 
  natively give as common use case in APIs
  ... we should investigate options of nice short pattern
Markus Lanthaler:  we could use issue #126 to discuss it in more 
elf Pavlik:  I'll post a link how SOLID solves this [scribe 
  assist by Markus Lanthaler]
  ... OWL has something but it doesn't seem practical in real 
  world scenarios
  ... we should come up with a better solution

ACTION: Markus to rename issue #126 to not suggest a solution

ACTION: Pavlik to drive discussion regarding #126 after the issue has been

elf Pavlik:  Currently the use case is only events [scribe assist 
  by Markus Lanthaler]
  ... if there would be two or more types the problem would 
  become more apparent
  ... Karol, what do you think about extending the use cases to 
  show this?
Karol Szczepański:  Sure, I'm open to extending the use cases 
  [scribe assist by Markus Lanthaler]
Markus Lanthaler:  anything else you would like to discuss today? 
  we still have 30min

Received on Monday, 26 June 2017 19:34:25 UTC