RE: List of supported use cases for compliant and conditionally compliant client

> On 17 Jun 2016 at 10:45, Dietrich Schulten wrote:
>> Here is a list of user stories I would like to see.

Thanks a lot for this Dietrich. This list is a great starting point and
similar to what I had in mind. I probably wouldn't have presented it in the
form of stories but this looks very good so that we should take it as
starting point.

I do share Ruben's concern:

On 18 Jun 2016 at 19:30, Ruben Verborgh wrote:
> My concern was about the level of abstraction of the stories.
> If the stories are about POST and PUT etc.,
> we're building an HTTP library IMHO, not a Hydra library.
>> With the clarification above, are the user stories ok for you?
> I'd want them more high level,
> on the level of actions and hypermedia controls.
> One story for me:
> X. As a programmer, I want to find and use hypermedia controls
> in representations received from the server.

Yeah, this seems to be the right level of abstraction to me.

>> Do you think it is a good idea to guide the client development by user
> Absolutely!

I think we should start and collect these stories somewhere. Should we do
that on this list, the W3C wiki, on GitHub, or somewhere else? I think
GitHub would be the best option in that case but I'm a bit worried that a
lot of people might miss the creation of a story if that happens only on

So, my proposal would be to
 1) create a new issue on GitHub for the story, assign it the
"client-dev-story" tag
 2) Send a mail to the mailing list announcing the new story, the subject
should be
     the issue's name + " (ISSUE-XY)", the body should correspond to the
issue's body
 3) Continue discussion on GitHub
 4) Once there's agreement on the story, reply to the thread created in 2)
announcing it

I don't want us to spend too much time on this. Let's quickly get agreement
on the basic stories and then start the work in the various groups. We can
then in parallel add more sophisticated stories.

As always, let me know if you have any concerns, ideas, or suggestions.


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Sunday, 19 June 2016 20:14:31 UTC